Stock Charting | ROG.VX Roche Holding AG |

January 26, 2018

Top Pharma List


Stock Analysis


ROG.VX Roche Holding AG Year High Low From 2002


There is a vivid ABCD pattern, hope you could see it. The AB leg starts from 2003 and ends 2007, the pullback, BC leg starts from 2007 and ends 2011, the CD leg starts from […]

Correlation | Roche Holding AG and GlaxoSmithKline |

January 26, 2018



Stock Analysis


ROG.VX Roche Holding AG and GlaxoSmithKline Correlation

Correlation help in benchmark two stocks, to see what the market sentiment about the two stocks we compare. If there are moving in the same direction, go up and go down about the similar manner. In this case, the market […]