U.S. Stock Analysis | ^DJI Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Charting | AmiBrokerAcademy.com

June 28, 2018


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We had seen those traders in Asia try to buy high and sell higher now got trapped.

Let cross examine the US market, see Dow Jones Index, ^DJI.

US ^DJI Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Charting

Zoom in, and study the price action of the […]

Lesson: Why Trade Retracement | Amazon.com Stock Analysis | AmiBrokerAcademy.com

September 16, 2017

We like to look back to see our past analysis with the actual results. We see fail analysis, we see sound advice. We use basic technical analysis tools and technique to read the chart and predict the possibility outcome.

We always advice traders, or readers to take responsibility on their trade and […]