Good Trade | Usana Health Sciences and ABCD Patterns |

April 30, 2018


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Make Good Trade

One Drop At A Time Fills Up A Jar (Wealth)

Each tiny drop of water can fill up a big jar. Likewise, each act of good trade will fill up your “jar” of wealth too. But with no good trade done at all, your “jar” of wealth is empty.

Never be lazy or preoccupied with what others are doing. In the end, your fate will be determined by no one else but yourself. So fight as hard as you can. The more good trade you make, the more you gain; and the less you make, the less you receive. Take every new day a new opportunity to make good trade.


US Stock Analysis

Usana Health Sciences and ABCD Patterns

Study Usana Health Sciences stock price using H M Gartley ABCD Patterns, see chart for more. Manage your risk.


April 27, 2018 Usana Health Sciences Inc and ABCD




Moses Stock Analysis


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