E5H | Golden Agri Resources 2007 – 2016 | AmiBrokerAcademy

August 30, 2016


Early the year, we see majority of the stock was decline, but not for Golden Agri.
However, if you were familiar Gartley chart pattern, you may choose to sell near the high after AB = CD.
If so, you will probably laughing to the bank now.
See link for the last analysis, http://www.amibrokeracademy.com/amibroker/golden-agri-resources-e5h-is-it-time-for-reversal-buy/


Golden Agri Resources E5H Chart Analysis

Gartley 222 Chart Pattern is in action again. Non Random Walk of the market, will see.


August 29, 2016 Golden Agri Resources Weekly Chart Data Since 2007

August 29, 2016 Golden Agri Resources Weekly Chart Data Since 2007















Big Picture

It is good to step back to see the big picture. We zoom out to see chart since 2007.



Moses Stock Column


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